Helping Our Fellow Humans
At Hillsboro Dental Excellence, we feel very fortunate for everything that we have been able to do for our patients. Everyone on our team has established themselves into our community, providing services to those who cannot always afford them. We all want to reach out and do more. Poverty is a large contributor to hopelessness, which in turn, can leave people behind. It is a tragedy that the cards of life can randomly fall badly for some people. We receive great joy in spreading all the love and support any way we can. We have physically done it, hands-on, for years now in our dentist’s office. We also do it further than our hands can reach by donating to these fantastic causes. If you can afford it, but only if you can, we encourage you to support these or other worthy causes in our community.
Family Promise of Washington County
This program serves families that are experiencing homelessness. It provides temporary housing, life coaching, advocacy, and referrals for families with children. They provide a foundation for success that goes with the families when they leave the program and helps them get back on their feet and contribute to our community.
Family Promise Website
Family Promise Facebook Page
Boys and Girls Club Hillsboro
Boys and Girls Club’s mission is to empower all young people, especially those who need it most, to discover their full potential as caring, responsible community members. The boys and girls club is a safe and positive place for kids to enjoy fun and engaging programs. We are happy to help children in these programs.
Inukai Family Club
Inukai Family Club Facebook Page
Domestic Violence Resource Center (of Washington County)
This is a program for women and families in need of help who have had domestic violence experiences. Most people don’t realize how hard it is to get out of an abusive situation/relationship. It is not an easy, straightforward choice. By donating to this wonderful cause, we feel that we can aid in this difficult decision and the entire process that goes along with it to help get them and their children out of traumatizing experiences and on a path of safety, confidence, and happiness.
Domestic Violence Resource Center
Domestic Violence Resource Center Facebook Page